суббота, 12 октября 2013 г.

International Lunar base.

All interested persons are invited to participate in creation of the International Lunar base.
For participation in Space flights on the Moon and scientific researches the group of wishing experts will be generated . Thanks to my new technologies such flights will be safe and comfortable.Flights round the Moon, landings in the selected areas and constant residing will be reliably provided and safe.
 As in space for manufacture we have all unique favorable possibilities:
1) the State of weightlessness which facilitates and accelerates all technological processes for which on the Earth huge power resources and the finance are spent! To create weightlessness on the Earth it is almost difficult!

2) Vacuum in any volumes and in any place that is favorable for technological processes! To create vacuum on the Earth again it is difficult and with the big expenses of energy and the finance!

3) Abundance of solar energy which simply goes to waste also which very favourably to use for technological processes of manufacture! It gives enormous financial economy on building of power stations and their use. And it will allow to be limited on the Earth to already existing power stations, without increase in harmful emissions in atmosphere!

4) All it will allow mankind to make unique substances and materials which it is difficult or it is impossible to make on the Earth!

5) Simplicity and cheapness of delivery of any cargoes from the Moon surface (at the expense of smaller force of gravitation and vacuum) in Space and into an orbit of the Earth!

6) Building of space factories from lunar raw materials!

7) Use of raw materials of asteroids in technological processes!

8) And it will allow to keep terrestrial resources and not to accumulate radioactive materials on the Earth!

9) And the most important thing descent of necessary cargoes in atmosphere of the Earth is much cheaper, than launch and doesn't demand the big expenses of energy and is financially cheap!

I invite you for participation in creation of the International Lunar base and I can report that in this case there was a problem of implementation of cheap flights on the Moon. And this problem wasn't solved in NASA still from 70 years even at huge financing in USA.  Apparently
 that it is connected with absence of experts and necessary technology, and also with a complete ignorance of the correct technical solution of this task. As NASA and firms - contractors are obviously far from the solution of this problem. There is a lot of and other reasons lack of system approach in the solution of a task because of change of presidents, opening and closing of programs, absence of fast breakthrough decisions, desire of contractors to create expensive spaceships and many other things. From NASA I found the correct way which provides possibility of cheap piloted flights on the Moon and to other planets in difference. I am interested in attraction of all interested countries, including the USA for creation of the International Lunar base by an International Space Station example.Financing of this project possibly irrespective of budgets of the countries at the expense of reality show and advertizing of preparation of such flights. Certainly individual share of the interested countries and firms is welcomed and it is necessary for acceleration of this project soon and therefore your support is very important.
I invite all wishing to participate in my very favorable business. Thanks to my initiative you have opportunity to sign favorable contracts on production of spaceships for the International Lunar base on my advanced technology for receiving profit. 
My income from advertizing and reality - show of this favorable business will allow to pay all expenses. I will create for you new highly paid workplaces as the qualified experts are necessary for me for construction of spaceships and astronauts for flights. Therefore all wishing become astronauts for flights can register in the Moon at me. After creation of the International Lunar base and raw materials production we will begin construction on the Moon for flights in depths of Solar system to Mars and to other planets. You hurry to participate in this case while there is a set of experts.

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